2024 Annual Report

2025 Education Grants


"Nau mai, Haere mai, Piki mai."

Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata haere whakamua.

Caring for our People, our Land and our Future.

Like all Maori Land Trusts Kokako has a precious history that connects the people to the land. Guiding the Trust is an overall respect for the tikanga, kawa and whenua of the Kokako owners and their descendants within the context of Matauranga Maori.

Long recognised for its stability, proactive development and excellence in all it does the Trusts vision is:

"Ko Takapuhurihuri e whangai ngā tangata"

Land Blocks - Ngā Wāhi Whenua o Kokako
Kokako Trust owns and operates five land blocks, located in the iwi rohe Te Kaokaoroa o Pātetere Raukawa, referred to as Lichfield, South Waikato. The farms consist of three Dairy units, a Dry stock farm, a Hemp operation established in 2019. A leased support block is located at Ngātira.

Sustainable Thinking Whakaaro Rangatira
The Trust seeks to ensure its farming operations are carried out in the most long term sustainable manner at the same time connecting with affiliated land blocks and providing significant economic growth opportunities for the owners while maximising owner’s engagement and participation on our journey.

For more information see the About Us page or contact us.


Trustee Kyle Amopiu Te Karere video on diversifying the Trust farm business.
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Composting Shelter Research

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Landowners Numbers Ref
(after name)


Kokako Trust
1227 Ranolf Street
PO Box 987
Rotorua 3040
Ph. 027 245 4390
