Trustee Professional Development Policy and Trainee Trustee Policy


To identify appropriate trustee professional development and allocate appropriate budgets and courses for Trustees to attend

  • Develop Trustees skills and capabilities in their governance role
  • Allow Trustees to stay current with their responsibilities as a Trustee


Trustees will be allocated a trustee development amount each year.  Trustees may (at their own discretion) attend any approved development within the allocated annual budget.  For any development that is outside of the approved budgeted amounts each year Trustee’s must follow the below process:

  1. Submit a request to the Board with details about the development and costs preferable through a Board meeting but may do so through email (if timing is an issue).
  2. Seek a Board resolution that the development has been approved.

For all development events the Trustee must report back to the Board with a written paper outlining the details of the development at the first Board meeting after the completion of the Development.


Each year annually the Trust will set appropriate budgets for individual Trustee Development.

The budget allocated for development will be inclusive of meals, accommodation, and travel costs.

If Trustees wish to have the development entry fee costs paid from the Trust they must submit the request before the development begins.  If the Trustees pay for the development themselves and are reimbursed for development costs they will be submitted at the next Board meeting for reimbursement.

All meals, accommodation, and travel will be paid for by the Trustee and reimbursed at the next Board meeting after submission of a written report.

If more than 1 Trustee attends a development only 1 report will be required.  If all Trustees attend development no report will be required.

Trustees and Trainee Trustees will not be paid a meeting fee for development attendance.


Both Trustees and Trainee Trustees may qualify for professional development development.  The Board has the right to set budgets for trainee trustees and trustees annually at their discretion.


Pre-approved development is detailed below:

  1. Any development from professional entities
  2. Developments from certified education institutes
  3. Professional development with emphasis on Kokako business matters:
    1. Farming
    2. Agri-business
    3. Te Ture Whenua
    4. Health & Safety
  4. Kaupapa, tīkanga, and te reo approved courses.
  5. Governance and management development.


To identify and appoint up to two Trainee Trustees annually to increase the pool of prospective future Trustees with knowledge of the Trust and appropriate skills. 


The term of appointment of each Trainee Trustee shall be for a term of 2 years.  The Trustees do not undertake that any such appointment will be extended but may at their discretion renew or extend such term as they see fit.  The Trustees reserve the right to terminate the appointment at any time and in particular if the Trainee Trustee fails to demonstrate full commitment to the role.


The Trainee Trustee will:

  • be permitted and expected to attend all Trustee meetings, farm inspections or Trust activities. Scheduled meetings are held quarterly on a Thursday (farm 9am to 3pm)  and Friday (Rotorua office 10am to 1pm)
  • be encouraged to contribute to all Trustee processes.
  • maintain Trust confidentiality at all times and sign a confidentiality declaration.
  • comply with all instructions of the Trustees.
  • undertake any specific tasks agreed with the Trustees but will not incur any expenditure or commit the Trust to any contract or legal obligation without prior approval of the Trustees.
  • not be granted voting rights or take on any Trustee liabilities. 
  • comply with all statutory obligations of the Trustees including Health & Safety.
  • Provide reports from time to time including at the AGM.


The Trainee Trustee is not an employee of the Trust but: 

  • Will receive a meeting attendance fee as approved by the Maori Land Court.
  • Will also receive reimbursement for travel expenses at IRD rates and out of pocket expenses pre-approved by the Trustees.


Trainee Trustees will, at the expiry of their term receive a written acknowledgement of the role they have performed but the Trustees are under no obligation to provide any further references or information to or on behalf of the Trainee Trustee or to any other person.

Back to application form



Kokako Trust
1227 Ranolf Street
PO Box 987
Rotorua 3040
Ph. 027 245 4390
